Personalize the scheduling experience with Lightning Scheduler

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Lightning Scheduler is a feature that helps your sales team personalize the customer experience by ensuring that appointments are set with the right person, in the right place, and at the right time. Once enabled, your team can set up appointments within standard Salesforce workflows, such as leads and referrals, opportunities, and accounts. With the enhanced visibility into your appointments, you can deploy the most appropriate resources to meet your customer needs.

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Here are some of the exciting features that come with Lightning Scheduler:

  • Create Salesforce records that reflect your employees, and add details about their skills, what locations they cover, and their availability.

  • Define office locations and hours of operation.

  • Create appointment topics, such as new account opening or a specific service request.

  • Search for employees with the right skills for an appointment, including certifications and areas of expertise.

  • Schedule customer appointments, and add details about required attendees.

  • Assign the relevant permissions and set up service resources and territories.

    Recent Release Enhancements

  • Inbound Scheduling:

    • With Lightning Scheduler’s most recent release, Inbound scheduling was included to give customers the tools to book their own appointments through the Scheduler. Customers can directly set up appointments with any sales rep at the time that best fits their schedule – in a place of their choice. Inbound Scheduling can be embed on your company’s website or through a Salesforce Community portal.


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