Unlock your potential with Marketing Automation tools

Automating your marketing efforts is a great way to connect with your customers at exactly the right time, with the right content, through the most effective channel.

Using your Salesforce.com platform to help drive your marketing campaigns, can help you achieve all of those goals. We here at DLH Consulting, have the experience you need in getting marketing results. Maybe you want to build a robust email marketing campaigns, through intuitive email templates that provide a personal touch.

Or you want to streamline lead management to reach customers at the most opportune time, or simply to align your sales & marketing teams to work in a more effective manner – we can help. After reviewing your business processes & needs, we are confident we can pinpoint a winning marketing strategy!

For more information on this & other great ways to customize your Salesforce, visit us at www.highfillservices.com; or email directly at: info@highfillservices.com


Get to know Salesforce Einstein!


Web-to-Case: Integrating your web forms with your Salesforce platform