Key tips to help drive User adoption in your Org

When rolling out the Salesforce tool to our organization, it’s simply not enough to just give them the tool.  Once rolled out – your company will need to continue to train, support, and customize it as your business grows and changes.  Obstacles will surely present themselves as well, and this could cause some users to have doubts.  However, we’ve put together some of our key items to help drive & maintain user adoption.


·      Automating business processes & simply “removing clicks”

Once your users start immersing themselves in the Salesforce environment, they will inevitably unearth certain pain points that slow down their productivity.  Luckily Salesforce provides many tools, Workflows/Processes/Triggers, etc, to help customize the tool to fit your business needs.  The more tailored experience you can provide your Users – the happier they will be!


·      Build out your training approach & library

Training your users provides them their first impression of Salesforce.  The more complete the training materials & more prepared the instructor – the more buy-in you will see.  Salesforce also has tools available such as Libraries and Knowledge to help store key content & make it searchable.


·      Use Reports and Dashboards to help Users manage performance

Salesforce reports and dashboards can play a huge role in getting your users to buy-in to Salesforce as a whole.  Having meaningful reports & dashboards pre-built and ready to go will have your users living in your Salesforce org.  Not only can it help them measure performance, it can also simplify opportunity management if it’s a sales member or case management for a service team member.  Management will begin to heavily reply on Salesforce reporting & dashboards as well.


·       Leverage tools available in the AppExchange

The AppExchange is a great place to locate additional tools to add to your Org – to help make it easier to use, more engaging, enhance it visually, and so much more.  Some applications come at a cost, but many more are available for free (our team has helped identify many free applications for Orgs, to help them improve processes).


·       Prioritize Clean Data

Data is continuously coming in your Salesforce Org – and the more accurate and complete that data is, the more trust you can build with your Users.  It can have a very positive or negative impact on your Org.  Salesforce offers built in Duplicate tools, while there are also several 3rd party tools available as well.


·       Regularly meet with Stakeholders

Keeping an on-going dialogue with key stakeholders can help keep everyone feeling engaged & also allowing voices to be heard.  Great ideas can often times come from the people using the tool the most.