Let Salesforce capture key details about who’s visiting your website!


Design teams spend their time building an attractive & interactive website, while Marketing spends their time attracting customers to visit the website – but what’s being done once those visitors hit your site?  Are you directing those visitors to a form, to capture vital information about their reason for visiting.  One key ingredient of Salesforce’s lead generation function is its Web-to-Lead form feature.  By definition, Web-to-Lead is the process of using a website form to capture visitor information and store that information as a new lead in Salesforce.


When you direct visitors to complete a form on your website, to enter information about themselves and the products that they are interested in, you can turn those one-time visitors into a potential prospect/lead.  A well thought out form can identify key demographics about that person & particular interests in your company’s offerings.


Once a Web-to-Lead form is crafted and placed on your website, Salesforce can help you:


·      Create up to 500 leads on a daily basis

·       Auto-assign their information to the appropriate member of your Sales team

·      Require reCAPTCHA Verification to reduce spam (below)

·       Create an Email AutoReply to customer, based off information provided

·      Map information captured on the form to the Lead record

·      Auto-assign a Lead to a Marketing Campaign based off details provided

·      Redirect visitors to a specified page after form is completed


Once Web-to-Lead is enabled and embedded on your site – you can start to watch the leads come pouring in.  Your sales team will have real-time actionable lead records to begin to start prospecting.  Web-to-Lead can also work in conjunction with many other Lead generation and marketing tools on the market.  Our team is ready to help your Organization help build out these customer journeys.