Super charge your team collaboration with Quip for Salesforce!


Back in 2016, Salesforce acquired Quip for a whopping $750 million in an effort to help grow its suite of productivity tools.  Quip is a dynamic collaboration tool with built-in office suite functionality word document processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software.  Quip then makes it simple and easy for teams to collaborate with each other around those sets of documents.  Now that its integrated with Salesforce, you can use that functionality at the platform level.  In times like these, it’s important to continue to build team collaboration as more and more of us are working remotely.  Let’s take a look at some of the additional features & use cases.


With regards to Sales, an Admin or Consultant can build templates to help foster team building.  Templates enable teams to start a page with pre-populated values with information of a specific account.  You can set filters for your page to tailor the experience depending on specific Account field values like deal/opportunity size, geographic location or industry.


For a service team, they can easily create a Quip page and start discussing relevant issues that are happening in real team – and solve and discuss as a team.  This sort of collaboration will help you get answers back to your customers quickly, a win-win for everyone.



The feature that really helps pull teams together is the inbuilt chat.  If your team is working in a quip spreadsheet and need to discuss a specific opportunity (cell in this instance) you can chat & reference that specific cell, then communicate with team members directly with in-line chat or a chat window.  Typically a sales manager would need to craft an email or potentially open a chatter conversation to get these answers, but now all this communication can happen right where the questions lie.


Some other great features of Quip include:

·       Ability to export/import files, with several different formats available

·       Very mobile friendly – works great with tablets and mobile devices

·      Robust history tracking – you can easily follow the history of changes made to a document & with the ability to revert back to a previous version


If you and your team want to learn more about the power of Quip, reach out today.  The Quip collaboration tool in Salesforce can be summed as a tool that’s “Faster than sending an email; more powerful than a two-hour meeting”.