Web-to-Case: Integrating your web forms with your Salesforce platform

Web-to-Case is a great tool to help integrate your Salesforce platform with your company’s website. If you have customer’s entering and submitting forms on your website, why not send the data directly to your Salesforce platform rather than a customer service mailbox?

By setting up Web-to-Case, you can ensure that all customer cases are clearly logged, save your sales reps time by eliminating the manual process, and track the overall life of the case. Once a case is received, auto-response rules can be set to notify the customer that their case has been received.

Furthermore, a case assignment rule can be created to ensure that each case is sent to the appropriate team for resolution. Our team of consultants can help you leverage this tool – just ask us how!

For more information on this & other great ways to customize your Salesforce, visit us at www.highfillservices.com/; or email directly at: info@highfillservices.com