Get to know Salesforce Case Teams!

What are Salesforce Case Teams?


A case team is a team of users, contacts, or partner users, that work together on a case. For example, your case team may include a support rep, support manager, and a product manager.  Every member of a case team has a role that he or she plays for the case, such as “Customer Contact” or “Case Manager.” Roles determine access to the case, like Read Only or Read/Write access, and whether the member in the role is visible to users in the Customer Portal.



What are some of the key features of Case Teams?


  • Predefine case teams so that users can quickly add & provide record access to people with whom they work.

  • Create assignment rules that add predefined teams to cases that match specific criteria, such as when cases originate from email-to-case.

  • Create email alerts that send notifications to team members when an action happens on a case, such as when a comment is added.


Once Case Teams are enabled:


  • Add people to the Case Team related list on cases.

  • Choose one of the predefined roles that the person plays on the case. Roles determine the level of access to a case, such as read-only or read and write access. Salesforce provides generic roles, but give you the ability to create custom roles.

  • Add contacts to case teams, but they can only access cases when they’re enabled as customer portal users assigned to case page layouts. Customer portal users can’t update case teams or view case team roles.

  • Filter case lists when they’re a team member, by choosing My Case Teams.

  • Run a case report by choosing My team's cases from the View filter.



Case teams are a great way to bring a team approach to supporting your customer’s needs and requests.  To get started with Case teams, reach out today!