Give your Users a helping hand with In-App Guidance

In one of Salesforce most recently releases, they provided Admins with a great tool to help assist Users as they navigate the Salesforce environment – that feature is In-App Guidance.  With In-App Guidance, we can now use prompts to onboard and train new users, highlight configuration changes recently deployed, announce new features, and more. Write the content, select the target audience, and specify where it appears and for how long. You can add up to 500 prompts per org. This limit doesn’t include prompts installed from packages. You can add multiple prompts to the same page, but the prompts don’t appear at the same time. By default, a user sees only one prompt per 24 hours, per app. Based on whether the user interacts with or ignores the prompt, Salesforce shows the prompt again, or cancels scheduled recurrences.


Some items to consider when creating a prompt is:


·      Type: There are two different types of prompts to choose from:

o   A Docked prompt is ideal for step-by-step instructions and accepts 4000 characters.

o   A Floating prompt is best for pointing out screen elements and accepts only 120 characters.


·      Placement: If you have selected Floating, you have the option to choose from six different screen placement options for where users will view your prompt.


·       Schedule: Have a prompt that’s applicable only for certain window of time, particularly important, or likely to be forgotten? You can customize the date range that prompts are active, as well as configure their frequency.


Some of the most common use cases for In-App Guidance include:


·      Train users: Provide links to Trailhead about a feature right on the page where the feature shows up.

·       Onboard new users: Provide tips and tricks to familiarize new users with top used features in the app.

·      Highlight changes: Alert specific groups of changes made in Salesforce that may affect them.

·      Make an announcement: Make universal announcements such as updates to the Travel and Expense Policy to everyone.



Salesforce also gives you the ability to monitor and track prompt interactions with users.  To track active prompt interactions, view usage metrics on the In-App Guidance Setup page. Views represent the total number of unique users who have seen the prompt. Completes is the percentage of viewers who have clicked the action button. Video views are unfortunately not tracked.  Setting up In-App Guidance for users is one of the best ways to drive adoption and keep your Users up-to-date – so what are you waiting for!