Unleash the Lightning Experience with Lightning Record Pages!

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One of the most exciting aspects of the Lightning Experience, which Salesforce launched a few years ago, is the versatility and flexibility of the user interface. Nowhere is that more evident than with the Lightning Record Pages.

What is the Lightning Record Page?

The Lightning record page is similar to the Classic page layout, however it is enhanced with the Lightning experience. So instead of simply being a page layout, it becomes a record page template for Lightning components (custom or standard) to be added and custom fit.

Everything on the Lightning Record Page can be tailored to fit your needs.

What is a Lightning Component?

Lightning components are building blocks that can be leveraged on Lightning pages – that represent specific Apps, tools, data sets, etc.

The 3 main types of Lightning components are: Standard (out-of-thebox components readily available and provided by Salesforce), Custom Developed (components created by your internal team – most likely by Developers), and AppExchange Components (available on the AppExchange to be installed in your Org).

Here is a breakdown of the most impactful Standard Lightning Components available:

  • App Launcher:

    • The App Launcher displays a user’s available Salesforce apps and the connected apps the administrator has configured. Users navigate between apps using the App Launcher.

  • Chatter:

    • Use this component to place a publisher and feed combo on a record page.

  • Chatter Feed:

    • Use the Chatter Feed component to place a feed anywhere on a record page. The feed gives you a way to view posts, comments, and questions. Its attribute, Feed Type, takes one of these values.

    • Bookmarked—shows a feed of all items the current user has bookmarked.

    • What I Follow—shows a feed of all items the current user has followed.

    • To Me—shows a feed of all items where the current user is mentioned. No coding is required to join a feed to a publisher.

  • Chatter Publisher:

    • Use the Chatter Publisher component to place a feed publisher anywhere on a record page. The publisher gives you a way to post, poll, or ask a question in a feed. Its attribute, Type, always takes the value Global. Use the Chatter Publisher component with the Chatter Feed component to get a full feed experience. No coding is required to join a publisher to a feed.

  • Filter List:

    • The Filter List component points to a list view and displays the first few records from that view. It supports all public and shared list views that are associated with standard and custom objects, except: Activity ContentVersion (Files) Task User UserProfile

  • Highlights Panel:

    • The Highlights Panel component displays key record fields along with quick actions. The fields that appear in the highlights panel come from the compact layout assigned to the object. The actions in the highlights panel come from the Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions section of the page layout.

  • Recent Items:

    • The Recent Items component displays a list of the most recently used items. The default is three, but you can set it to show a maximum of 30. In the Lightning App Builder, you can specify which objects’ records appear in the recent items list.

  • Record Detail:

    • The Record Detail component displays fields and sections from the page layout associated with the object. When users view the Lightning record page, they may see different fields and sections based on their profile and page layout assignments.

  • Related List:

    • Use the Related List component to include a single related list for a record in your Lightning page. To include all related lists for a record, use the Related Lists component. You can configure this component to display a related list for the record associated with your page, or you can display information for the parent record. Using a parent record is optional.

  • Related Record:

    • Use the Related Record component to display the details of a related record, including the details of a parent record in your Lightning page. This component provides your users with built-in record creation, inline edit, and the ability to unlink a record and link a new one. This functionality is possible because the component uses actions.

  • Report Chart:

    • Use the Report Chart component to include a chart from a report in your Lightning page. If you leave the component’s Label field blank, the component’s label is derived from the report’s label.

  • Rich Text:

    • Use the Rich Text component to add text and simple HTML markup to your Lightning page.

  • Skype for Business:

    • The Skype for Business component adds Skype controls to standard and custom record pages that have at least one email field. The controls let you see who’s online, initiate audio and video calls, and chat.

  • Tabs:

    • Use the Tabs component to add tabs to a region of your Lightning page. Choose from a set of standard tabs or create custom tabs to enhance record pages for your Lightning Experience users. The Tabs component is supported only for Lightning Experience record pages.

  • Visualforce Page:

    • Use the Visualforce Page component to include a Visualforce page in your Lightning page.

Additional Features of Lighting Pages include:

  • Up to 16 Standard Lightning page templates to choose from (below)

  • Set Component visibility: add custom filters on each lightning component, ensuring appropriate users only see what’s relevant

  • Assign Lightning pages to a specific Apps or Profiles, or as an Org default

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In Closing…. Although Lightning provides enhanced flexibility – it usually comes with added complexities, this is where we come in.

Our team has vast experience building & customizing Lightning pages to meet your specific business needs.